Canadian Specialist Hospital

Canadian Specialist Hospital Dubai

Canadian Specialist Hospital est spécialisé en chirurgie esthétique et PMA / FIV. Fondée en 1984, cette clinique certifiée JCI Accredited est située à Dubai, Emirats Arabes Unis. Voir les avis clients, les photos avant/après et demandez le prix des opérations de chirurgie à l’étranger. Remplissez le formulaire pour un pré-diagnostic gratuit. Réponse rapide.

Canadian Specialist Hospital, Dubai, Emirats Arabes Unis

Canadian Specialist Hospital est l’un des plus grands hôpitaux privés de Dubaï et l’hôpital de choix pour les références des petits et moyens centres médicaux qui manquent de certaines de nos installations spécialisées de diagnostic et de traitement. Sa mission est d’offrir des services de diagnostic, de traitement et de réadaptation de pointe, de niveau international, et de fournir des services génétiques et prénataux complets, ainsi que des soins de santé éthiques fondés sur des preuves, pour une communauté saine et heureuse. L’équipe internationale de l’hôpital est fière de s’occuper des patients étrangers et de leurs proches, afin qu’ils se sentent chez eux.

Le service commence dès qu’un rapport médical est reçu et transmis au spécialiste approprié pour un avis médical. Cela permet au patient et, le cas échéant, au parrain, d’avoir un avis sur l’opération ou le traitement nécessaire. Si le patient décide de se rendre à l’hôpital spécialisé canadien de Dubaï pour y recevoir un traitement, l’équipe internationale prendra toutes les dispositions nécessaires pour le patient et ses proches, y compris le visa, le logement, la consultation et/ou l’admission, et le transport (ambulance ou avion-ambulance selon les besoins).

Une fois que le patient a été accueilli à l’hôpital, une gamme complète de services est fournie, y compris les traductions et toutes les exigences quotidiennes pendant son séjour.



Spécialité de la clinique :

Chirurgie Esthétique
Traitement des rides
Joues creuses – Bichectomie
Transfert de graisse
Lifting des sourcils
Lifting cervico-facial
Agrandissement du penis
Implant facial
Augmentation mammaire
Implants mammaires
Traitement des varices
Lifting des seins
Lifting des cuisses
Réduction mammaire
Reconstruction mammaire
Lifting des fesses
Augmentation des fesses
Consultation en chirugie plastique

Echographie folliculaire
Cathétérisme tubaire

Services +

Transfert de l’aéroport
Légalisation des documents
Wifi gratuit
Assurance santé
Réservation d’hotel
 Guide touristique
Réservation de taxi
Transfert de dossiers médicaux
Assurance Voyage médicale
Chambres accessible PMR
Téléphone dans la chambre
Chambres privées
Installations religieuses
Coffre-fort dans la chambre
Précautions alimentaires
Services de traduction
TV dans la chambre

Ville : Dubai – Pays : Emirats Arabes Unis – Fondé en 1984 
Accréditation : JCI Accredited – Langue(s) parlée(s) : Arabe, Anglais

Avis de Canadian Specialist Hospital

06:38 23 May 22
عجبني ديكور المستشفىاهنيهم على ان لديهم دكتور عبد الأمير تخصص أمراض المناعة والروماتيزمدكتور بشوش مُتلقي جيد وسيم وراقيو لا أُقيمه لكنه ذو خبرة واضحةتواصل جيد مع المريض ويهتم بأدق التفاصيلزوجتي تتابع عنده والآن ابنتي أسال الله لهم السلامةمن ثلاث سنوات زرناه وكانت زوجتي لا تقوى الحراك من الألاماحتجزها على الفور وقدموا لها الرعاية الطبية وأزهرت زوجتي مرة أخرى على يديهفي الوقت الذي ذهبنا للعديد من الاطباء وكانوا في منتهى البرود في التعامل مع حالة زوجتي المزريةنشكره من القلب واقول للمستشفىانت محظوظون بوجود هذا الرجل في طاقمكمتحياتي
Mohammad Ally Boodhoo
Mohammad Ally Boodhoo
10:50 18 May 22
I requested for a callback on their watsap number. A guy called me within 1 hour (Approx) and did not seem to have great listening skills. He seem to struggle to understand my request and even seem rude. Please give proper training to your people and it will be best for them to understand what is a good customer service. First impression last - highly not recommended.
sana hanif
sana hanif
18:06 15 May 22
We had our third baby via c section a month back and our gynecologist was Dr Pooja Jaisal. she was such a help. my whole experience with her was smooth and she gave so much relief and assurance from my first visit until my emergency c section. very thankful for her and the whole hospital who cared so well.
Lira Austria
Lira Austria
08:17 14 May 22
I just had my first baby here in Canadian Specialist Hospital. This is one of the best hospital I’ve known so far. My Ob gyne doctor ( Dr. Pooja) is very professional and she took good care of me and my baby and made sure everything will go smooth and perfect for my first child. No hassle for me and my husband. They have taken necessary measures beforehand so when i did the labor, everything is in order. I love the midwife, nurses and all other doctors who helped us along the way. Kudos to this hospital! I would gladly recommend to all the future moms and incoming mothers 🥰💯
Diamo Noir
Diamo Noir
12:36 05 May 22
اسوء تجربة طب مريت فيها بحياتي اسوء شي مريت فيه مند اقامتي في الامارات المشفى صح من برا شكله راقي لاكن خدمة العملاء ليست جيدة الطب فيها عبارة تجارة ذخلت انا لم لمدة يومين تتقطع معدتي من الوجع دفعت مبلغ 300درهم على اساس ان اذخل طوارئ جاتني طبيبة فحصتني بشكل شفوي لااقل ولا اكثر في غرفة جدااا مفتقرة لاساسيات طب المدة فقط 5 انا من شرحت لها حالتي راحت بعدها طلعت انا اتساءل هل هذا هو قسم الطوارئ اخبروني اذا اردت محلول يلزمني دفع 370 توثرت تعصبت لان يلزمهم اخباري بالامر ان هذا هو النظام اخبرتهم اصلا عن تجربتي مع طبيبة التي اصلا لم تشخص حالتي مما افقدتني المصداقية فاي خطوة تانية تعاملو معي كأني دخلت سوق لارقيب فيه عندها طالبت بحد مسؤل انا انقطع من الوجع التوتر الاعصاب كان الامر كابوس بعدها اخبروني ان طبيبة اعطتني دواء يلزمني شراءه من صيدلتهم طبعا كان عبارة عن مسكن وداء الارتجاع المريء انا لم اعاني في برتجاع المريء اخدت دواء رجعت ابحت عن صيدلية يمين وشمال حتى وجدت صيدلاني ساعدني بفهم حالتي شرحت له ماذا عندي بالظبط ماذا احس الحمد لله الامر يرجع لمتابعتي لذاكترة اكفاء في منصات اليوتيب استطعت تشخيص نفسي اخد دواء المناسب مع فترة العلاج المناسبة لاكن نفسيتي لما تعرضت بالمشفمي الكندي جدااا محطمة
Mo Kneub
Mo Kneub
15:33 12 Mar 22
Cet hôpital est dysfonctionnel. Si vous êtes malade, ils préfèrent attendre l'approbation de l'assurance maladie avant de vous donner des pilules. Ils essaient de faire encore plus d'analyses même quand ce n'est pas nécessaire. L'argent est leur priorité, pas votre santé.
Tareq Jibreel
Tareq Jibreel
09:38 27 Apr 21
Tout d'abord, j'aimerais remercier la direction de l'hôpital pour sa direction distinguée et sa sélection des meilleurs médecins au niveau local, régional et international, et pour son grand intérêt pour le niveau de qualité et les services fournis aux patients. Deuxièmement, j'étais en vacances, malheureusement, j'ai eu un accident mineur et j'ai dû faire une opération, elle a été traitée par le Dr Rajesh, le spécialiste en orthopédie (le roi de l'orthopédie) bien sûr tout le respect à lui, je suis reconnaissant à votre médecin.Et encore une fois, un grand merci à l'hôpital spécialisé canadien.
08:28 03 Apr 21
le service de Mme Fatima au 5ème étage de la réception est exceptionnellement comme à la maison. Elle est très attentive et serviable à tous égards.
07:47 14 Jan 21
C’est un très bon hôpital. J'y reste 12 jours. Les médecins et les infirmières sont très bons, ils se soucient de leurs patients. Le service est excellent. Je recommande cet hôpital. La nourriture qu'ils fournissent est également délicieuse.
maytham mahroos
maytham mahroos
12:30 09 Dec 20
The wait was 1 hour and there were still 2 patients ahead of me, when I complained they told me that this is normal in a hospital. Other hospitals seem to have perfected the booking system though, so don't come here if you value your time.
Lilly Zachariah
Lilly Zachariah
17:28 06 Nov 20
ÀLe directeur de l'hôpital spécialisé canadien,Avez-vous seulement 2 physiothérapeutes travaillant dans votre hôpital estimé, comme indiqué sur votre portail en ligne?
Roberto Ospina
Roberto Ospina
14:16 16 Oct 20
I stayed in the Canadian Specialist Hospital for over a month being treated for shoulder surgery. The facilities are very, very clean and the nursing staff is so kind and accommodating. They are all really special people not just in their professionalism but in their care. The doctor's are also kind and friendly and keep you informed of your progress and what is going on. I was really impressed with the care I received here. This has got to be my favorite hospital ever! I highly recommend it. Thanks to all the staff caring for me in the 5th floor Ward and of course to the Doctors as well. Wish you all the best.
Alexey Khvedelidze
Alexey Khvedelidze
06:47 04 Oct 20
Yesterday visited Canadian Specialist Hospital in Dubai, close to Ministry of the Environment, for covid test, around 6pm, and after 14 hrs, receive results. Upon left hospital, I send message to to send results to my email, as recommended by the lab and they did this.Result come as certificate with two stamps of doctors, in color, on the Hospital form.Outstanding. I did not even expect so fast respond.Just guide: on entrance, inform security for purpose and go to elevator and down to B2. Exit to parking, right side, appx 50 mtrs- collecting room entrance. I suggest to come evening- no queue.Good luck and keep safe.
Michael Woosley
Michael Woosley
08:05 24 Sep 20
My stay at the Canadian Hospital has been a very enjoyable experience. When I came here I was very sick with a food Bourne virus, 4 strains. My care was beyond reproach. It has been 5 days and I am well, thanks Dr. Sarlakumari and her excellent staff.
Akeel Asady
Akeel Asady
10:34 13 Sep 20
مستشفى راقي وأطباء أكفاء
munah nasser
munah nasser
09:47 11 Sep 20
Good and professional staff and doctors
Tauqeer Ahmed
Tauqeer Ahmed
02:48 07 Sep 20
Jonna marika
Jonna marika
08:07 01 Sep 20
I want to thank Dr. Kerim and all nursing- and admission teams in OPD and Ward 3 for my excellent care! I was so impressed by everyone's empathy and kindness throughout my ward stay and OPD visits. Dr. Kerim goes beyond taking care of his patients, very professional. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Huma Hanif
Huma Hanif
11:45 27 Aug 20
Worst hospital... No value for patients timing.. Just want to do what ever they want.. They will treat when ever they feel like.. Waiting in the hospital for more than 1 hour just to see the Dr..
06:32 26 Aug 20
Highly specialised hospital now new department added which is pediatric hematology and oncology. Hospital in bar Dubai. Clean elligant and helpful staff and director. Great pediatric and beonatolgy team
Tayyba Bukharie
Tayyba Bukharie
03:52 25 Aug 20
Je veux parler du Dr Sarla Kumari, elle est très professionnelle et honnête envers sa profession, très gentille dans sa façon de traiter les patients.Je la recommande vivement car son traitement m'a beaucoup aidé.Dans l'ensemble, l'hôpital est bon et tout le personnel est très coopératif et gentil.
Hamada Mustafa
Hamada Mustafa
02:30 24 Aug 20
أتمنى من غوغل أن تضع تقييم خمس نجوم تحت الصفر كي أضع تقييم مناسب أكون راض عنه 👎
Sonia Zacarias
Sonia Zacarias
07:51 16 Aug 20
Worst hospital I’ve ever been visited in Dubai. Staff is un polite. Rude and unprofessional. So disappointed.🤬🤬🤬🤬
Duncan Mwadime
Duncan Mwadime
00:17 22 Jul 20
Visited to see an ENT on 21st July , my experience was just surprising, first of all while waiting to see the doctor, the nurse asked me of my symptoms out in the hallway (consultation in privacy doesn't exist) Then I got into to see the doctor (that's how literally it was, he sat on his seat and me across the room) no physical exermination when my main complaint was a throat pain, the main reason I came to hospital is to have a doctor physically look at, feel for swelling look at the ears or unusual lumps or colour in the throat etc. But all he did is prescribe medication that I told him I have already been taking for past two days. Of course I raised the matter with the staff but I knew that they wouldn't want to go behind their colleague and they made it look like I dint understand, that the doctor wants me to take medication then return in three days for a proper examination. In my mind am thinking why would I pay consultation to see a doctor only for the doctor to tell me to come back before even doing an evaluation to pay to see him again without having established what was going on in the first place . Such a horrible experience. I definitely will be avoiding this place. I couldn't even argue with them coz I had pain in my throat to talk properly. Will seek an opinion from another hospital.
Vega Croatia
Vega Croatia
20:06 15 Jul 20
Great Hospital,my big Thanks to Dr.Yasir Parviz and his crew who save my life on surgery yesterday,Thank you all,God Bless you
Marites Paglinawan
Marites Paglinawan
07:18 11 Jul 20
Great experience being treated at CSH. From the staff at ER, OR, attending nurses at 3rd floor (who checks on me round the clock) the cleaning staff who never gets tired of cleaning the room and the food attendant. The nice food plating or food arrangement and selection of food daily is fantastic. Thank you very much. And the doctors - they are great and friendly😊Overall - fantastic team.
Haneen Rafaty
Haneen Rafaty
11:05 22 Jun 20
Very kind stuff.. Very clean hospital.. Everything is amazing.. I'm planning to deliver my baby in this hospital..
18:34 14 Jun 20
Very nice looking hospitalI think here little more expensive.its not sure in my little knowldge i assumeAnd also these place is very easy to reach Very good infrastrucreAnd also the hospital look is beautiful
Rajesh singh
Rajesh singh
09:16 23 Feb 20
I love Canadian Hospital because they have very good staff, approachable Doctors, and great specialist,Customer service is very good as well.They will ask you if there is any problem, even parking is free..Highly Recommend to my friend and family!
Mohammed Al Faris
Mohammed Al Faris
11:02 18 Feb 20
Great experience at the Canadian Hospital. The staff are very attentive and professional. The level of care is truly unprecedented. Facility is great all around. Thank you so much!
Abu Harry
Abu Harry
13:22 30 Dec 19
The Hospital Staff from the front rest to the doctors are awesome. They are very helpful and they will work with you and very attentive to what you have to say. There isn't any wait at all. I love this Hospital and would recommend anyone to go there.
Mohammed Bahjat Al Hadithy
Mohammed Bahjat Al Hadithy
11:58 02 Nov 19
thanks Dr fidan and ur team really appreciate
Mathews M
Mathews M
12:07 13 Oct 19
Good hospital, very friendly and helpful staffs
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